The Friendly Flutter Conference in Stockholm, Sweden đź‘‹

Flutter & Friends is a dual track conference for the community by the community, taking place in Stockholm, Sweden on September 1-3rd 2024.

Besides learning from passionate and inspiring speakers you will be enjoying a pre-conference social day getting to know new friends as well as participate in hands-on workshops led by some of the community's top educators with a big prize hackathon at the end!

Whether you're a first-time visitor to Stockholm or a seasoned local, you'll have a blast exploring the city with new acquaintances through a carefully curated selection of social activities. From scenic bike tours and thrilling theme parks, to enlightening museum visits, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Sunday 1st of September – Social Events, Pre-party & Flutter Pub Quiz, Early Registration
Monday 2nd of September – Conference, Fika, Lunch, After Party
Tuesday 3rd of September – Hands-on workshops and hackathon


Craig Labenz
Developer Relations Engineer at Google

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Keynote - Empathetic Flutter

Main stage

Explore how Flutter developers can use the best qualities of our technology and community to develop unparalleled software.

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Vyacheslav Egorov
Uber-TL of Dart

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Learning something about Dart performance by optimizing jsonDecode

Main stage

This talks takes us on a journey through the layers of the cake called "Dart". We often hear that jsonDecode is slow in Dart - can we make it faster? Where do we start?

We will look at the Dart core libraries and how they implement jsonDecode. We will take that code for a spin with a profiler and learn how to diagnose performance issues using low-level tools.

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Kilian Schulte
Flutter Engineer at Workerbase

Kilian is the author of the web framework Jaspr and passionate about everything regarding Dart especially beyond Flutter. In 2021 he created his first pub package called “dart_mappable” and is an active contributor to the Dart ecosystem. Engaging in his local community he gives talks and workshops about Dart and Flutter for students and fellow developers. He is working as a Flutter Engineer at Workerbase, focusing on cross-platform development and AI integrations. When he doesn’t wear his coding-hoodie, he can be seen jamming funky trombone solos or inline-skating along the river Isar.

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Inside Jaspr: Building a Dart web framework from scratch

Studio stage

Join me to take an inside look into Jaspr, the web framework for Dart developers. We will dive into the intricate details of the framework and how it works under the hood.
Learn how Jaspr is made and what it takes to develop a framework from scratch.

Whether you are a seasoned developer or newcomer to Dart, this session lets you step into the next area of Dart development – the web.

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Renan Araujo
Software Engineer at Superlist

Loves to use programming to create user interfaces. Worked previously with the web and have been in love with Flutter since beta. Created and helped to maintain some open-source projects.

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Flutter web superfast: WASM

Main stage

Understand how WASM compilation can turn the tables on the Flutter web performance front.

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Majid Hajian

Majid Hajian is an accomplished software architect and developer renowned for his expertise in designing intricate web and mobile applications. Recognized as a Google Developer Expert, he has received accolades as an author and is a respected instructor on platforms like Pluralsight and his YouTube channel. He is author of books.

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Practical Design Patterns for Flutter Development

Studio stage

Design patterns, inspired by architectural principles and adapted for software development, are crucial for modern app architecture.Based on the "FlutterEngineering" book, this talk highlights essential design patterns in Flutter to help you build efficient and scalable apps.In this talk, we'll explore fundamental concepts and focus on key patterns like Singleton, Factory, and Observer. You'll learn how to implement these patterns effectively in your Flutter projects through practical insights and real-world examples.

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Darja Orlova
Creator of NativePal

I'm an experienced Flutter developer, focused on creating my own apps, such as Bunny Search, an app to find cruelty-free brands, and NativePal, an AI-powered language learning app. Before going indie, I've worked in outsourcing agencies, creating apps in various domains for clients for 8+ years. An active community member: GDE in Flutter & Dart, WTM Ambassador, Flutterista and Flutter Riga organizer. I'm a technical writer, speaker & mentor. If I'm not writing code or participating in some Flutter meetup, you can usually find me reading a book or petting a stray cat :)

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Zero runtime errors: Exploring Static Code Analysis techniques in Flutter

Main stage

If you ask a developer whether they would prefer to fix a bug or develop a new feature, there is no doubt they will select the latter.Unfortunately, bugs are part of the development cycle and are inevitable.Fortunately, there are techniques to predict and prevent them, even without running the code: with the help of static code analysis.Static code analysis is a powerful tool for finding and fixing potential errors even before compiling your code, making the cycle much faster and developers more productive. Moreover, the flexibility of this tool allows you to configure it in a way to not only control bugs but also code style and specific team practices.In this talk, we will do a deep dive into the world of static code analysis, exploring strategies on how to set it up to work best in your project, possibilities beyond `flutter_lints`, such as other libraries and 3rd party services like Dart Code Metrics, as well as what it takes to create your own custom lints for your library or app with tools such as `custom_lint`. By the end of this talk, you will be fully equipped to set up a robust static analysis system in your project and make your projects more reliable, consistent, and performant.

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Michał Gapiński
Founder and Software Engineer

Mobile & Embedded Software Engineer, Flutter fanatic, and open source contributor. Working with AOSP and Linux since 2011. Notable for the Tesla Android Project and delivering first PCIe Express boards to the Raspberry Pi 5 ecosystem.

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Embedded Flutter on Raspberry Pi 5: Simplification of Daily E-Commerce Operations

Studio stage

At Pineboards, we specialize in embedded solutions for the Raspberry Pi ecosystem, especially around PCI Express (NVMe, networking, AI Edge TPUs etc). Last year marked our venture into direct retail, pushing us from our engineering comfort zone into the realms of order fulfillment. Our journey from manual inefficiencies to streamlined processes was powered by a custom Flutter application, centralizing operations from order listing to shipping label generation.

In this session, you will discover how to implement:* Barcode Scanning Implementation: Explore the integration of hardware barcode scanners to ensure accurate order fulfillment.* Direct Printing with Flutter: Gain insights into controlling ZPL/EPL printers directly from Flutter for efficient label printing.* Kiosk Mode: Understand how to deploy a Flutter application in Kiosk mode on a custom OS image, enhancing the user interface for industrial applications.

Moreover, we'll take a look into how well Flutter behaves on the new Raspberry Pi 5 in comparison to macOS and provide a guideline for building custom hardware solutions powered by Flutter that are meant to last and work well in industrial environments.

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Luan Nico
Maintainer at Blue Fire

I am the original author of Flame and one of the core members in the Blue Fire team, helping on my free time to maintain our ecosystem of packages including Flame, Audioplayers, and more.

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Making a 3D game with Flutter and Flame

Main stage

One year after my first talk exploring the realm of 3D within Flame, Flutter now has experimental support for first class GPU access for 3D rendering with Impeler.

In this talk we will explore that functionality using the `flame_3d` package to see what kind of simple 3D games are viable with Flame, learning the ropes around basic 3D rendering, camera, objects, and how to apply that to real life game development.

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Alexandre Moureaux
Performance Expert at BAM

Alex has been developing mobile apps at BAM for the past 8 years, previously in React Native but started Flutter a while back. Obsessed with performance, he created Flashlight 🔦, intending to be a lighthouse for mobile apps. He truly believes it's our responsibility to develop performant apps, as one way to fight against climate change!

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Flutter & Threads

Studio stage

Does multithreading, rasterization, or processor affinity sound like big fancy words you'd love to understand? We'll explore all those terms together and discover how Flutter builds frames under the hood! You'll learn how this impacts your app's performance and how to make the correct choices to ensure a smooth app, with concrete code examples and demonstrations. This beginner-friendly talk will demystify complex concepts, guiding you through the threading model and empowering you to create highly performant Flutter apps.

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Pavel Sulimau
Lead Software Engineer at EPAM Systems

Pavel is a knowledgeable software engineer with 10+ years of production experience in projects of various stacks and sizes.

He delivered applications on the Web, Windows Phone, Windows, iOS, and Android front-end and back-end sides.

In 2018, he came across Flutter and used it to build two pet mobile apps. Inspired by the technology, he decided to switch to full-time Flutter development in 2020, a decision with which he remains delighted.

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Code Quality Gates for Large-Scale Flutter Apps

Main stage

I'll share insights on guidelines and tools to maintain the quality of a Flutter app.

The talk will cover code quality aspects:

- structural, like code reviews and various static code analysis techniques including architecture tests

- functional, such as automated testing.

Code quality is important for projects of any size, but it's crucial for large-scale ones where tens of Flutter developers may work for years.

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Simon Auer
CEO at marqably

CEO & Founder of marqably that works for startups & international companies. Does mostly Consult & Training for clients nowadays, but still codes as much as possible, preferably with Dart & Flutter and thinks it is time now, that accessibility is considered more often in flutter applications. ;)

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Quick Wins - how to make your app more accessible

Studio stage

Did you know that you can actually make more accessible apps in flutter easily? If yes, why are you not doing that?

In some cases, apps are inaccessible because there is no time or budget for it, most of the time it is just because we never took the time to read up and learn about it.

In this talk, I don't want to aim at 100% accessibility, but tell you about some quick wins, you can follow without spending a lot of time on it and grow your potential audience almost for free by just knowing about it!

Just by joining this talk, you can potentially grant somebody access, who was unable to use your app before and maybe change their world!

And who knows? Maybe you fall in love with it and want to explore more afterwards. ;)

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Akanksha Singh
Software Engineer at JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Akanksha is a Software Engineer at JP Morgan Chase & Co., crafting engaging and innovative software solutions in the Asset and Wealth Management Line of Business. She has a keen interest in Flutter and enjoys building user-friendly and accessible applications. Her passion for Flutter has taken her to international conferences like FlutterHeroes, FlutterCon, and Flutter & Friends where she has shared her insights and expertise. Beyond her role, Akanksha is an avid participant in hackathons. Her passion for community building and mentorship has driven her to lead student communities at university and mentoring roles at prestigious hackathons like HackHarvard, Hack4Inclusion, HackTheNorth, DubHacks, CalHacks, and more. When she steps away from her keyboard, Akanksha finds solace in the timeless melodies of 60s-70s Hindi songs. She's an avid museum-goer, ignited by a deep passion for delving into art and history.

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Automating Accessibility Adoption in Flutter using Gemini AI

Main stage

For years, accessibility features and experiences were seen as nice to have when it came to app development. Shockingly, many developers overlook this vital aspect, inadvertently excluding a significant user base. The World Health Organization reveals that about 15% of the global population, over a billion people, live with disabilities. In a digital age, it's unjust to marginalize this substantial demographic based on abilities.

This talk emphasizes the critical role of accessibility in mobile apps. By introducing the innovative use of Gemini AI as an AI-powered code assistance tool in IDEs like VS Code, we can address these issues head-on, ensuring that apps are accessible from the outset. Gemini AI serves as a game-changer, automating the detection and correction of accessibility issues in Flutter apps. This talk will empower developers and help them build apps that are inclusive and universally accessible.

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Roaa Khaddam
Flutter GDE, Software Engineer at Widgetbook

Software Engineer and Google Developer Expert for Flutter & Dart, passionate about animation, generative art, content creation, open source, and speaking at tech events. Currently a Software Engineer at Widgetbook working on an open source product that aims to make Flutter developer’s life easier and the Widgetbook Cloud designer-developer collaboration platform.

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Code Meets Art: Flutter for Creative Coding

Main stage

In this talk, I want to show you how you can blur the lines between code and art using Flutter!

After a quick introduction into what creative coding is and how its visual feedback nature can be a great way to learn how to code, we’ll dive into the technical details on how Flutter can be used for that purpose. Starting from the custom painter and canvas API, and making our way into shaders and 3rd party tools and packages. Additionally, we will explore what it means to use algorithms to create Art and what happens when you bleed that art into user interfaces and experiences. Finally, with its cross platform capabilities and easy control over every pixel, we’ll answer the question of why use Flutter for this purpose in the first place.

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Raouf Rahiche
Software Engineer at EasyA

I'm a Flutter and Desktop App developer with a passion for crafting exceptional apps that delight users. As a Google Developer Expert in this field, I've had the privilege of speaking at public events in multiple countries and sharing my knowledge through various mediums, including YouTube tutorials and in-depth articles. Contributing to the open-source community is important to me, and I'm always willing to lend a hand on Stack Overflow or offer guidance to fellow developers.

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A closer look at the blur effect in Flutter

Studio stage

Often, when we see a blur effect in designs, we just put in the values, add a backdrop widget, and copy those values, thinking it’s done. Since it’s blurry, it’s tricky to see if it’s right — but it’s “blurry,” so we move forward.

In this session, we'll dig deeper to understand what’s really going on behind the scenes with the blur effect in Flutter. We’ll use fragment shaders to try out different kinds of blurs and see the differences between them. By doing so, we can make them look just right in our designs.

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Jochum van der Ploeg
Senior Open Source Engineer at Very Good Ventures

I'm a Dutch open source software engineer, working at Very Good Ventures.

I maintain a multitude of project including but not limited to

- 🔥 the Flame Engine

- 🧪 Fluttium, e2e testing tool for Flutter

Fun fact: I own a working Commodore 64 that is older than I am.

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How big are macros really?

Studio stage

This talk dives into the new experimental macro feature of the Dart language. What is it, what it can do and when to use it.

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Learn how to build real-time games with Flutter and Dart Frog


In this workshop you'll discover how fun it is to build a game with Flutter while also exploring real-time communication with Dart Frog.

You will learn the power of a unified tech stack, where your front-end shares logic with your back-end, using our favourite language Dart. Add a great developer experience to that and you have a recipe for success.

And the best part? You will have a fun game at the end of it that you can play with your friends! If that isn't the true meaning of Flutter & Friends, we don't know what is.

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Mike Diarmid
CTO & Co-Founder @ Invertase

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Learn how to build real-time games with Flutter and Dart Frog


In this workshop you'll discover how fun it is to build a game with Flutter while also exploring real-time communication with Dart Frog.

You will learn the power of a unified tech stack, where your front-end shares logic with your back-end, using our favourite language Dart. Add a great developer experience to that and you have a recipe for success.

And the best part? You will have a fun game at the end of it that you can play with your friends! If that isn't the true meaning of Flutter & Friends, we don't know what is.

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Çağatay Ulusoy
Flutter Competence Lead at Wolt

Cagatay is a Google Developer Expert for Flutter and currently working as Flutter Competence Lead at Wolt. After working as a native Android developer in different sizes of companies for a long time, he decided to continue his application development journey with Flutter. He is an active member of the Flutter community and enjoys sharing his knowledge with sample apps, articles, and talks.

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Advanced Flutter Navigation: Mastering Declarative Navigation


Implementing the navigation for complex multi-platform applications can be challenging due to varied user interface patterns and navigation structures across different platforms. Flutter’s Navigator 2.0, designed to streamline these complexities, offers a robust framework that empowers developers to manage navigation declaratively. While the Navigator 2.0 API may initially seem advanced and complex, understanding its interplay with the Router and Navigator widgets unlocks powerful customization and flexibility options. In this hands-on workshop, participants will dive deep into integrating the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern in a layered architecture with Flutter’s Navigator 2.0 to create clear and efficient navigation management within their apps.

Workshop participants will embark on building a Flutter application from the ground up, learning to:

🔵 Implement the MVVM architectural pattern in conjunction with Flutter’s Router widget to achieve reactive and declarative navigation.

🔵 Design and manage the application’s navigation stack as an application state.

🔵 Utilize both declarative and imperative approaches to control modal route visibility.

🔵 Synchrozie the browser address bar and the app state for Flutter Web apps.

🔵 Synchronize imperative calls and declarative state changes to maintain consistent application state.

🔵 Integrate a bottom navigation bar selected tab management into the routing system.

🔵 Handle Android specific user interactions like back swipes and operating system back button presses.

🔵 Customize the SystemUIOverlayStyle to dynamically adjust UI elements like the status bar and navigation bar colors based on the active route.

🔵 Apply a layered approach to software architecture using MVVM principles to separate the concerns and build a maintainable, testable, and scalable app.

This workshop will equip developers with the skills to architect sophisticated navigation systems in Flutter applications, leveraging the advanced capabilities of Navigator 2.0 and the MVVM pattern for scalable and maintainable app development.

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Moritz Theis
CEO at Snapp X

GDE for Flutter & Dart
Organizer of Flutter Munich
Founder of Snapp X & Snapp Embedded

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Beyond Mobile: Powering Embedded Devices with Flutter


This workshop dives into running Flutter on embedded devices, specifically setting it up on the brand new Raspberry Pi 5.

In 3 small groups we will set up Flutter on a Raspberry Pi 5, write our first small App for it and learn to control an externally connected servo-motor to dispense some delicious M&M's trough our Flutter-Application.

I will bring 3 Raspberry Pi 5's and touchscreens for the audience with me so that small groups can work interactively along while we go trough everything.

While the first 90 minutes are the same for all of the audience, the last 30 minutes can be used to explore and build something individual with the servo engines and the Raspberry Pi's for each group.

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Payam Zahedi
Senior Software Engineer at Snapp X

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Beyond Mobile: Powering Embedded Devices with Flutter


This workshop dives into running Flutter on embedded devices, specifically setting it up on the brand new Raspberry Pi 5.

In 3 small groups we will set up Flutter on a Raspberry Pi 5, write our first small App for it and learn to control an externally connected servo-motor to dispense some delicious M&M's trough our Flutter-Application.

I will bring 3 Raspberry Pi 5's and touchscreens for the audience with me so that small groups can work interactively along while we go trough everything.

While the first 90 minutes are the same for all of the audience, the last 30 minutes can be used to explore and build something individual with the servo engines and the Raspberry Pi's for each group.

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Muhammed Salih GĂĽler
Senior Developer Advocate at AWS

Salih is a Berlin based Senior Developer Advocate at AWS who is also a Google Developer Expert for Flutter and Dart. He likes sharing his knowledge with the people by mentoring aspiring developers, blogging and talking at conferences.

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Building a Cloud-Powered Diary Application with Flutter


In today's world, having an idea is important, but going to market quickly is as important as having an idea. To achieve this, you need to support iOS, Android, Web, and even Desktop. Fortunately, Flutter is there to help you with that. However, an app without a backend is never enough. To power up your application with a scalable backend, AWS Amplify is there to help you out.

In this workshop, you will build a diary application in Flutter that targets iOS, Android, Web, and Desktop. The application will include Authentication, a GraphQL API with database connection, and File Storage. Additionally, there will be a bonus feature at the end, related to the hot topic of our times (starts with A and ends with I)! :)

Come join us and discover a new technology!

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Mateusz Wojtczak
Head of Mobile at LeanCode

One of the authors of the Patrol package and want to share the knowledge and hands-on experience with the community :)

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Let's test it with Patrol!


During the workshop, we will prepare the whole E2E testing scenario using Patrol. You will learn how you can use Patrol finders to supercharge your tests and how you can test native features with Patrol native automation. As an example, we will test our Patrol challenge app with Firebase native interactions

At the end, we will show you how to run your tests on Firebase Test Lab.

As Patrol authors, we like to help people use the tool properly. We’ll cover the setup, troubleshooting, testing Flutter widgets, and E2E testing native stuff.

Preparation instructions:

We require attendees to have the latest stable Flutter SDK installed and have at least Android support – that means you should be able to build a Flutter app on Android and run it on the emulator (API 33) or their physical device.

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Julia Borkowska
Head of QA at LeanCode

One of the authors of the Patrol package and want to share the knowledge and hands-on experience with the community :)

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Let's test it with Patrol!


During the workshop, we will prepare the whole E2E testing scenario using Patrol. You will learn how you can use Patrol finders to supercharge your tests and how you can test native features with Patrol native automation. As an example, we will test our Patrol challenge app with Firebase native interactions

At the end, we will show you how to run your tests on Firebase Test Lab.

As Patrol authors, we like to help people use the tool properly. We’ll cover the setup, troubleshooting, testing Flutter widgets, and E2E testing native stuff.

Preparation instructions:

We require attendees to have the latest stable Flutter SDK installed and have at least Android support – that means you should be able to build a Flutter app on Android and run it on the emulator (API 33) or their physical device.

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Sasha Denisov
Chief Software Engineer at EPAM

Sasha is an experienced software developer with a rich background, in IT for more than 20 years. He worked with different stacks in backend, frontend and mobile fields, but since 2018 his main interest is Flutter. Sasha is a Chief Software Engineer and Head of Flutter Discipline in EPAM. Also, he is Flutter and Dart GDE and Co-Organizer of Flutter Berlin community.

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Porting your mobile app to TV platforms


Flutter officially supports six platforms (iOS, Android, Web, MacOS, Linux, and Windows). But what if you need to run the Flutter app on the TV platform? Unfortunately, TV platforms have no official support yet. But the Flutter app can be launched on some TV platforms.

In this workshop, we will go through all the steps of porting your mobile app to the big screen, discuss all the nuances of TV apps, such as controlling the app with a remote control, and finally launch the app on a TV platform, not only on Android TV, but also on Apple TV

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Lucas Josefiak
Co-Founder & CEO of Widgetbook

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Simplify Design Systems and Designer/Developer Collaboration with Widgetbook



Creating beautiful UI has never been easier with Flutter. However, managing and organizing widgets effectively can pose challenges for developers, particularly when it comes to organizing them, testing them in all their different use cases, and maintaining design-code consistency. This is where Widgetbook comes in.

In this workshop, we will learn how to build our design system with the open-source Flutter package Widgetbook. We will combine it with Golden tests and Figma to establish a smooth UI review process with designers, developers, product managers and QA testers.

Key takeaways:

- How to build your own design system / widget library

- How to automatically test your widgets on different device sizes, themes, languages, etc.

- How to use Golden Tests without limitations

- How to collaborate effectively with designers and product managers to keep design and code sync

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Jens Horstmann
Co-Founder & CTO of Widgetbook

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Simplify Design Systems and Designer/Developer Collaboration with Widgetbook



Creating beautiful UI has never been easier with Flutter. However, managing and organizing widgets effectively can pose challenges for developers, particularly when it comes to organizing them, testing them in all their different use cases, and maintaining design-code consistency. This is where Widgetbook comes in.

In this workshop, we will learn how to build our design system with the open-source Flutter package Widgetbook. We will combine it with Golden tests and Figma to establish a smooth UI review process with designers, developers, product managers and QA testers.

Key takeaways:

- How to build your own design system / widget library

- How to automatically test your widgets on different device sizes, themes, languages, etc.

- How to use Golden Tests without limitations

- How to collaborate effectively with designers and product managers to keep design and code sync

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Alfredo Bautista Santos
Flutter developer at Greenflux

Alfredo Bautista SantosFlutter & Dart GDE / Flutter developer at GreenFlux / GDG organizer.

Malaga expat in Amsterdam, hooked on Flutter since 2019. I share my knowledge and experience with this fantastic framework through talks, workshops and by actively participating in tech communities.Between talks, you might find me searching for the best coffee or pizza in the city! Ping me if you have a recommendation!

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Flutter + Gemini: Your AI App Development Launchpad


Supercharge your Flutter apps with AI!

This workshop dives into Gemini, Google's cutting-edge large language model (LLM), and shows you how to seamlessly integrate it with Flutter. We'll break down LLMs, explore Gemini's multimodality, and build a real AI-powered Flutter app prototype – all from scratch! No prior experience needed, just bring your app idea and walk away with the skills to make it a reality.

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Dominik Roszkowski
Tech Lead at Visible, GDE in Flutter

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Native Background Processing with Flutter

Studio stage

Background processing tends to be one of the afterthoughts with Flutter apps, and I would love to change that. There are several ways to achieve it with Flutter or Dart, although some of them involve a bit of native platform understanding with a pinch of Kotlin or Swift. In this talk I’ll show you how to make it all work without losing your mind, even if you don't have any Android or iOS experience.This talk covers both iOS and Android background processing, with and without utilizing existing Flutter plugins. We'll try to look into desktop background processing as well.

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Simon Lightfoot
CTO @ DevAngels

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Flutter in the year 2044: Discussing a community plan for Flutter’s next 20 years

Flutter is open source, but it's still mainly a Google-driven project. Around 85% of active Flutter team devs are Googlers. Should we change this? Can we? Should there be a "Mozilla foundation" for Flutter?

To be clear, there is no indication that Google is dropping the ball. But since the projects has seen adoption so many businesses and people, maybe it's time for the community to take on a more active role?

The output of this workshop is a publicly shared document with ideas and TODO items (mostly for us, the community).

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Social activities

One of the main goals of Flutter & Friends is providing an opportunity to meet new people from the community and explore the beautiful city of Stockholm. As an attendee, you get to participate in one of the social activities that we have in store for you and it's all included in your ticket! These activities will take place on Sunday 1st, a day before the conference track.

Skansen Zoo + Aquarium + Historic village tour

Spend an afternoon hanging out with the animals and experience Nordic culture at Skansen. Famous for its Zoo, Aquarium, reptiles, historic village and being the location for Swedens longest running musical TV-show AllsĂĄng pĂĄ Skansen, this place has everything for a fun & pleasant outdoor afternoon.

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Bouldering at Klättercentret

Want to try something active? At Klättercentret you're welcome as a seasoned boulderer, or a complete beginner. It's all fun & social and a must try!

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HeySthlm Arcade & VREX

Have a day of pure fun trying out Full-body tracking VR games before heading to HeySthlm, an arcade bar right in city center with pinball, rhythm, fighting, and racing games, as well as some of the quirkiest Japanese games you can come across!

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Stockholm City Bike Tour

Experience Stockholm from a native's point of view! The bike tour is a great opportunity to discover the city, be active, and make friends along the way! Join us for a tour around Stockholm's main islands, crossing bridges, parks, and some of the city's big attractions. Bikes are provided without additional costs, just bring yourself in good spirit!

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Gröna Lund Theme Park Pentathlon

What could be more fun than a day at an theme park? Located on Djurgården, a short walk from the city center is Stockholm's own theme park Gröna Lund. Compete with fellow attendees in a pentathlon of real-life mini games before checking out the breath-taking rides!

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Stockholm Islands Kayak Tour

Stockholm is often called Venice of the North because of its inner-city islands. Feeling active? Jump into a 2-seat kayak and explore the magnificence of Stockholm by water!

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Escape room

Get locked in a room together with a small group of people and try to get out in time.

It is both thrilling and requires you to think on your feet!

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Disc golf

A perfect opportunity to connect with nature. Throw frisbees towards targets and enjoy the beautiful outdoors.

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Want to sponsor Flutter & Friends? We offer sponsor and exhibitor packages at different levels including for group tickets, social activities & parties, exhibition space on conference- and workshop day, diversity tickets & more.

Please inquire at

Venue & Location

Our talks and fikas will take place at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, Stockholm's most central culture institution right on the square of Sergels Torg, next to the central station. From here you have easy access to most of Stockholm's public transportation and many of the capital's renowned landmarks, hotels and eateries within walking distance.

🍽 Dinner With Strangers

Flutter & Friends is all about meeting new people in the community. Part of this is our concept called Dinner With Strangers. It works like this: we reserve tables for six at our favorite restaurants around Stockholm and then we pair you up with five people you’ve never met before for a dinner. If you’re interested you can signup for one as the conference gets closer. This is of course optional. :)